I help TECH sales people stop talking over heads to better engage audiences with WINNING Confidence, Clarity & Conclusions using my ‘TECH Talk Template’
Global Clients Include:


Are you the Sales Manager of a TECH company?
If so, when was the last time your team’s Public Speaking, Presentation & Video Conference capabilities were evaluated & improved?
Does your team use a proven presentation template to prepare efficently & deliver effectively?
What positive impact on your business will result from outstanding improvements in your teams presentation skills?
I specifically develop TECH Sales people to better inform, influence and persuade prospects and clients by practicing more emotive cues. Here are good examples of TECH Leaders who consistently and successfully practiced/practice more emotive cues versus TECH logic during their Public Speeches, Presentations & Video Conferences.
Now by presentation, don’t just think platform, cameras, lights & action like at a large conference... because my ‘TECH Talk Template’ helps Pre-Sales & Sales teams to demonstrably improve skills in all means of communication:
- Emails
- Documents
- Proposals
- Phone chats
- Video chats
- 1-1 Chats
- Meetings, inc. Virtual
- Boardroom presentations
- Conference Speaking
Having evaluated countless Public Speeches & Presentations, you might agree many TECH Sales Presentations ‘miss the mark’ because:
- Lack audience engagement
- Dominated by intellect & Lack emotional cues
- Too much jargon
- Talk over audiences heads
- Lack confidence
- Lack focus
- Lack audience engagement
- Lack emotional cues
- Too much jargon
- Talk over audiences heads
- Lack confidence
- Lack focus
- Lack clarity
- Lack emphasized key points
- Lack strong conclusion
- Lack call to action
- Dry, sometimes boring
- Go over time allowances
For 20+ years, I’ve noticed these deficits can lead to TECH Sales people feeling frustrated, disappointed, discouraged and sometimes insecure, which as you know is the wrong mindset in preparation for their next Presentation.
What’s worse is that to you, the Sales Manager, these deficits can be costly to your business when prospects and clients experience any of the following:
- Poor 1st impression
- Confusion
- Being spoken at
- Eroded rapport
- Eroded trust
Ultimately, I’ve witnessed plus, heard about many lost opportunities & ‘Money Left On The Table’ because of TECH Sales people poorly Presenting products, services & solutions!
The real costs of a poor TECH sales presentation
- Time wasted during poor prep
- Time wasted delivering presentation
- Lost opportunity / client
- Lost $$$
- Lost life time value of client
- Lost referrals
The average TECH sales person earns an average of US$80,000 to US$150,000 per year or $42 to $79 per hour. Therefore, what is the cost to your business in terms of time wasted plus, the costs of lost opportunities & revenues etc for every presentation your team prepares inefficently and delivers ineffectively?
But, I get it ... because before having personally presented with more than 80,000 audience members during Business Conferences, I used to literally shake in the knees at just the thought of Speaking Publicly... In fact, I would get so worked up that I would loose sleep the night before my presentation or worse, lack confidence during my presentation, which many of my audience could intuitively feel.
Then to add salt to my wound(s), I would feel more insecure in preparation for and during delivery of my next Public Speech, Presentation or Video Conference.
The truth is... Public Speaking, Presenting & Video Conferencing doesn’t have to be so nerve-racking, especially when improvement is simple to learn and simple to apply towards WINNING Confidence, Clarity & Conclusions!

In fact, Warren Buffet the great business mind of our generation has stated the art of Public Speaking was his best and most valuable personal development. In his office, the only certificate Warren has on his wall is a Diploma for Public Speaking!
The TECH market has shifted...
No longer can TECH Sales people get away with regurgitating PowerPoint slide after PowerPoint slide, with incomprehensible TECH intellect. And, many times I’m surprised by how many TECH Sales people continue to Speak Publicly & Present like it’s the 1990’s when Microsoft presentation tools were all the rage
Today, the majority of audiences with an average attention span of about 8 seconds* consciously and subconsciously require TECH Sales people to present in a Raw, Real & Relevant manner
*The average attention span of a Goldfish is 9 seconds... I’ll let you do the math

“Be engaging, funny, ironic, or outrageous when presenting - just don’t be BORING”
- Larry Kim, Founder of WordStream & CEO of Mobile Monkey
So how does a TECH presentation positively STAND OUT against competition?
Well I’ve developed a very simple, quick and effective ’TECH Talk Template’
My ‘TECH TALK TEMPLATE ’ consists of 3 elements essential for all types of public speaking, presenting & video conferencing
Your team will gain my ‘5 Steps’ to quickly construct audience centric, palatable, focused, clear, engaging, digestible messages that will always finish with tasteful icing on audience’s cake... Plus, a ‘Call To Action’ when required!
Your Team will learn this communication secret... GREAT Public Speakers & Presenters do NOT always require PowerPoint... Instead, I will share powerful insights as to how GREAT communicators ‘paint on the canvas of other peoples minds’ by using alternative options to emphasize and empower their messages!
Addressing conscious and subconscious delivery. Plus, gain the insights and delivery skills that those who’ve mastered the Art of Public Speaking & Presentation have used for decades!
Now, whilst my ‘TECH Talk Template’ is unique, battle tested and proven it is only the first foundational ingredient because the ‘Secret Sauce’ on top includes my 20+ years of experience as an international Public Speaker & Trainer, having personally served 7,000 participants across 15+ nations.
With this extensive experience, I will quickly and thoroughtly assess where your sales team members are at when they individually present during a Virtual Video Session or, during the morning of the 1 Day Workshop. I will give each participant critique and valuable communication tips, tools and techniques, which will challenge and deconstruct wrong thoughts and behaviors. Then I will reconstruct your team with correct ‘Argument’, ‘Environment’ & ‘Delivery’ towards transformational experience and results!
And the best part
By simply adopting and applying my ‘TECH TALK TEMPLATE’, your TECH sales team will gain many of the following:
- Improve Confidence
- Reduce Formality
- Be Audience-centric
- Improve Audience Engagement
- Present a "Road Map" to Stay on Track
- Communicate both Intellectual & Emotional Content
- Emphasize Key Points
- Remain Within Time Limits
- Deliver a Focused Message
- Communicate a Call to Action
- Better Inform, Influence & Persuade
- Improve Public Speaking, Presentation & Video Conference Results!
To date, I’ve trained 1,000’s of people across 15+ nations during my proprietary 1 Day Workshop & Virtual Video Sessions to develop the ‘Ancient Art’ of Public Speaking & Presenting with many participants experiencing outstanding improvements & more importantly, better business results!
Simple & Hassle Free Process - VIRTUAL VIDEO SESSIONS
- Brief to uncover your individual or Team's development need (s)
- You nominate who across your team will participate during Virtual Training Session(s)
- Participants receive introduction email with training details, requirements & expectations
- Participants receive individual phone call from John Rayner to uncover training expectations
- Participants gain a digital copy of `Confident, Powerful & Persuasive Public Speaking` book
- Conduct relevant, interactive & outcomes driven Virtual Training Session(s)
- Each participant will present, which will be critiqued + rebuilt using my 'TECH Talk Template'
- Debrief with you to ensure your training expectations are satisfied
- Ongoing ‘Private Access’ to my ‘Video Teaching Series’

Virtual Training Session(s) timing to be agreed
Simple & Hassle Free Process - 1 DAY WORKSHOP
- Brief to uncover your Team's development need(s)
- You nominate up to 10 participants
- Participants receive introduction email with training details, requirements & expectations
- Participants receive individual phone call from John Rayner to uncover training expectations
- Participants gain a digital copy of `Confident, Powerful & Persuasive Public Speaking` book
- 1 Day focused, relevant, interactive & outcomes driven workshop
- Each participant will present, which will be recorded + critiqued + rebuilt using my 'TECH Talk Template'
- Debrief with you to ensure your training expectations are satisfied
- Ongoing ‘Private Access’ to my ‘Video Teaching Series’

1 Day Workshop: 8am - 6pm
All Participants Gain a Copy of John Rayner's Book

To ensure your Team are best developed during training and are not disengaged by listening to a Trainer with only a bunch of lectured theory, you will want to ensure the following:
- Only engage a Trainer who is experienced with Tech & or, Tech companies!
- Only engage a Trainer with international business experience
- Only engage a Trainer who has presented countless sales & conference presentations!
- Only engage a Trainer who has trained thousands of people!
- Only engage a Trainer with a proven, ‘Top Shelf’ sales performance record!
Your Specialist Facilitator
The leading & most sought after TECH Public Speaking & Presentation Trainer - John Rayner

As an International Public Speaker & Presenter, I do not bring theory or complicated psychological revelations... Instead, I only share principles and practices that are proven and succeed!
I’ve Presented at business conferences to 80,000+ people and so, having made most Public Speaking mistakes ‘under the sun’, I fast track TECH sales people’s success by only giving them what works
I love helping people by training them to overcome personal fears and bridge communication gaps to Public Speak & Present with WINNING Confidence, Clarity & Conclusions!
Read more in the `About John` section
John's latest interview
To conduct & successfully complete every step of this learning process, which includes an agreed number of Virtual Training Sessions for an agreed number of participants:
$999 per person
£890 per person
$1,490 per person
Investment - 1 DAY WORKSHOP
To conduct & successfully complete every step of this learning process, which includes a 1 Day Workshop for up to ten (10) participants is valued at:
$999 per person
£890 per person
$1,490 per person
+ Travel & Accomodation

We offer a '100% Accountability & Satisfaction Guarantee'. This means your entire investment will be returned if we do not complete each step of your 'Learning Process' and/or, if you are unsatisfied
with our service
Develop your TECH sales people to stop talking over heads plus, better engage audiences with WINNING Confidence, Clarity & Conclusions using my
‘TECH Talk Template’
Some Participants Speak After Training
Participants Speak
More Positive Client Experiences
Working with John Rayner – Approachable, friendly and professionalWhat I learnt – How to plan any type of business communication, with a different approach to getting a clear message across to the audience.
Personal outcomes – Increased my confidence towards delivering presentations and learning to slow down to a digestible pace.
Personal outcomes – Increased my confidence towards delivering presentations and learning to slow down to a digestible pace.

John Rayner's approach is very practical & encourages participation.
I now constantly stop & use the techniques, whether it be internally or with our external customers. Not a bad thing to use at home either!
I would highly recommend John Rayner if you are looking to hone in on improving you or your teams communication impact.
I now constantly stop & use the techniques, whether it be internally or with our external customers. Not a bad thing to use at home either!
I would highly recommend John Rayner if you are looking to hone in on improving you or your teams communication impact.

John Rayner has significantly increased my ability to plan, prepare and deliver powerful and effective business communications.
John's professional yet informal style made the course an excellent personal and professional development experience.
John's professional yet informal style made the course an excellent personal and professional development experience.

John Rayner's approach to entire Learning Process was, spot on!… Please don't change it. Interaction level during workshop was correct and all examples very useful.
I gained immediate tangible outcomes. For example, during my prospect presentation the day following workshop, my business gained new client which wants a live demo towards purchasing a system. What more could I hope for during one presentation!
I gained immediate tangible outcomes. For example, during my prospect presentation the day following workshop, my business gained new client which wants a live demo towards purchasing a system. What more could I hope for during one presentation!

I was impressed by working with John Rayner. The approach made me feel comfortable, & the content was 'right down my alley'.
I'm a big fan of continual improvement. The teachings on the day helped me question some of my current techniques. A number of the teachings were also very much in line with what I currently push our business to improve on so it was very relevant.
I've already put into practice the 'rule of thumb' about the number of presentation slides I use, if I am to use a PowerPoint. Plus, I have already started using the very effective presentation planning template.
I'm a big fan of continual improvement. The teachings on the day helped me question some of my current techniques. A number of the teachings were also very much in line with what I currently push our business to improve on so it was very relevant.
I've already put into practice the 'rule of thumb' about the number of presentation slides I use, if I am to use a PowerPoint. Plus, I have already started using the very effective presentation planning template.

I found the complete learning experience with John Rayner to be thoroughly enjoyable. John Rayner was very professional in his approach to all our presentation training and John maintained the interest of all attendees throughout the 2 day workshop.
The main thing I learnt during the training process is that sometimes less is more. The art to a good presentation is to leave a very clear message and drum home the issues and key point(s) whilst delivering message.
The learning experience has saved me much time when preparing for business presentations and given me renewed confidence to speak before a group of people.
The main thing I learnt during the training process is that sometimes less is more. The art to a good presentation is to leave a very clear message and drum home the issues and key point(s) whilst delivering message.
The learning experience has saved me much time when preparing for business presentations and given me renewed confidence to speak before a group of people.

Working with John Rayner – Approachable, friendly and professionalWhat I learnt – How to plan any type of business communication, with a different approach to getting a clear message across to the audience.
Personal outcomes – Increased my confidence towards delivering presentations and learning to slow down to a digestible pace.
Personal outcomes – Increased my confidence towards delivering presentations and learning to slow down to a digestible pace.

John Rayner's approach is very practical & encourages participation.
I now constantly stop & use the techniques, whether it be internally or with our external customers. Not a bad thing to use at home either!
I would highly recommend John Rayner if you are looking to hone in on improving you or your teams communication impact.
I now constantly stop & use the techniques, whether it be internally or with our external customers. Not a bad thing to use at home either!
I would highly recommend John Rayner if you are looking to hone in on improving you or your teams communication impact.

John Rayner has significantly increased my ability to plan, prepare and deliver powerful and effective business communications.
John's professional yet informal style made the course an excellent personal and professional development experience.
John's professional yet informal style made the course an excellent personal and professional development experience.

John Rayner's approach to entire Learning Process was, spot on!… Please don't change it. Interaction level during workshop was correct and all examples very useful.
I gained immediate tangible outcomes. For example, during my prospect presentation the day following workshop, my business gained new client which wants a live demo towards purchasing a system. What more could I hope for during one presentation!
I gained immediate tangible outcomes. For example, during my prospect presentation the day following workshop, my business gained new client which wants a live demo towards purchasing a system. What more could I hope for during one presentation!

I was impressed by working with John Rayner. The approach made me feel comfortable, & the content was 'right down my alley'.
I'm a big fan of continual improvement. The teachings on the day helped me question some of my current techniques. A number of the teachings were also very much in line with what I currently push our business to improve on so it was very relevant.
I've already put into practice the 'rule of thumb' about the number of presentation slides I use, if I am to use a PowerPoint. Plus, I have already started using the very effective presentation planning template.
I'm a big fan of continual improvement. The teachings on the day helped me question some of my current techniques. A number of the teachings were also very much in line with what I currently push our business to improve on so it was very relevant.
I've already put into practice the 'rule of thumb' about the number of presentation slides I use, if I am to use a PowerPoint. Plus, I have already started using the very effective presentation planning template.

I found the complete learning experience with John Rayner to be thoroughly enjoyable. John Rayner was very professional in his approach to all our presentation training and John maintained the interest of all attendees throughout the 2 day workshop.
The main thing I learnt during the training process is that sometimes less is more. The art to a good presentation is to leave a very clear message and drum home the issues and key point(s) whilst delivering message.
The learning experience has saved me much time when preparing for business presentations and given me renewed confidence to speak before a group of people.
The main thing I learnt during the training process is that sometimes less is more. The art to a good presentation is to leave a very clear message and drum home the issues and key point(s) whilst delivering message.
The learning experience has saved me much time when preparing for business presentations and given me renewed confidence to speak before a group of people.